
Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs)

The Bourns® IGBT discrete BID series combines technology from a MOS gate and a bipolar transistor, creating the right component for high voltage and high current applications. This device uses advanced Trench-Gate Field-Stop technology providing greater control of the dynamic characteristics while resulting in a lower Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage (VCE(sat)) and fewer switching losses. In addition, this structure increases the robustness of the device and gives a lower RTH. The Bourns® IGBT solution is suitable for SMPS, UPS and PFC applications.

Conflict Mineral Source Reporting for Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs): CMRT

Kit Number Kit Photo Description Part Numbers
IGBTs IGBT Discrete Solutions • BIDD05N60T
• BIDW20N60T
• BIDW30N60T
• BIDW50N65T
• BIDNW30N60H3