
For an Unprecedented Sixth Time, Bourns Earns the Coveted TTI Global Operations Excellence Award

All Bourns Regional Operations Receive TTI Platinum Level Awards, Bourns EMEA and Asia Honored with TTI Diamond Awards and Bourns Asia wins the Best Quality Award

RIVERSIDE, Calif., May 26, 2021 - Bourns, Inc., a leading manufacturer and supplier of electronic components, today announced that the company received the prestigious TTI, Inc. 2020 Global Operations Excellence Award for an unprecedented sixth time in 10 years. TTI initiated the Global Operations Excellence Award to honor the supplier who scores the highest total points from a rigorous set of performance criteria globally in all three of the distributor's operating regions – Americas, EMEA, and Asia.

Bourns also received TTI's Platinum Level recognition for all its Americas, EMEA and Asia regional operations. The Platinum Level awards are given for sustaining a high level of performance for more than five consecutive years. In addition, Bourns' EMEA and Asia operations received the 2020 TTI Diamond Award for the highest overall point achievement in their regions. Furthermore, Bourns Asia was awarded the TTI Best Quality Award.

TTI announced the Global Operation Excellence Awards during their recent online ceremony on May 5, 2021.

"Bourns continually demonstrates year-over-year excellent results from their steadfast commitment to outstanding customer service and continuous process improvements across their global operations," said Melanie Pizzey, TTI Vice President Global Business Operations. "It is quite an achievement to receive our highest award six times in 10 years! We are extremely grateful to the entire Bourns team for their truly exceptional worldwide support in light of the difficult pandemic supply chain challenges in 2020."

"We are especially proud of the service and support the Bourns team supplied to earn this highly coveted award from TTI for a record sixth time. This great honor from the world's largest distributor of passive components is a testament to Bourns consistent culture of quality, service and value. These awards represent a monumental accomplishment that few in our industry have been able to achieve," said Kelly Vogt, Senior Vice President of Worldwide Sales at Bourns, Inc. "We are also honored to share a remarkable and excellent long-term relationship with TTI. Through our successful collaboration we have been able to heighten the customer experience with advanced products and exceptional on-time delivery performance."

About TTI

TTI, Inc., a Berkshire Hathaway company, is an authorized, specialty distributor of interconnect, passive and electromechanical (IP&E) components and the distributor of choice for industrial and consumer electronics manufacturers worldwide. Broader and deeper inventory, leading-edge products and custom supply chain solutions have established TTI as the leading specialist in electronic component distribution. Globally, the company maintains 1.9 million square feet of dedicated warehouse space containing over 850,000 component part numbers. Along with its subsidiaries, Mouser Electronics, Sager Electronics, and TTI Semiconductor Group. TTI employs over 6,000 employees and is represented in over 100 locations throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information about TTI, visit



ボーンズ社(Bourns, Inc.) は、位置センサー、速度センサー、回路保護ソリューション、磁気部品、マイクロ電子モジュール、パネル制御部品、抵抗部品の一流メーカーであり、サプライヤーでもあります。米国カリフォルニア州リバーサイドに本社を置く Bourns は、自動車、産業、消費者、通信、ノンクリティカルなライフサポート医療、オーディオをはじめとする多様な市場セグメントにおいて活動しています。当社および製品に関する詳しい情報は、 をご覧ください。

Bourns®およびBourns のロゴは、Bourns, Inc. の商標または登録商標であり、Bourns の許諾を得た場合のみ公的に使用することができ、また適切な権利の表記が必要です。 列挙した他の名称およびブランドは、各権利所有者の商標または登録商標です。

† Bourns®製品は、命を救うため、または生命を維持するためのアプリケーションや、Bourns®製品の故障または誤動作による人身傷害、または死亡につながる可能性のある、その他のアプリケーション向けに設計されていません。免責事項のお知らせをご参照ください。

Annette Keller
Keller Communication
(949) 947-7232
Josephine Chen
Bourns Asia Pacific, Inc.
886-2-2562-4117 #138